Know your lawmakers!
Call or email them and find out. Use the talking points below or others on our website. If you don’t get an answer, be sure to follow-up!
NOTE: Legislative districts have changed, as have some lawmakers after the November 2024 election.
Wisconsin’s legislative website for incumbents will be updated in January. In the meantime, use the Ballotpedia site for the results of:
Support our efforts using one or all of these options. Your representatives need to hear from you! Making a phone call is generally more powerful than an email.
In most cases you’ll be leaving a message with a staffer. That’s okay. Staffers log calls on various issues. Be concise and polite.
Talking Points
- Say you are calling to support expanded immunity for the 911 Good Samaritan Law.
- Tell them you live and vote in the district and are a constituent.
- Tell them WHY you support expanded immunity. Too many people are dying of overdoses because of the fear of arrest. This is urgent!
- In 2022 almost 5 people died from overdose each day. It’s more important to save lives than to arrest people.
- People who’ve lost loved ones to overdose know that lives can be saved if people at the scene of an overdose did not fear getting in trouble.
- If you have a related personal or professional story, share it.
- Don’t get into the weeds on details. Stick to your talking points.
- Ask if your lawmaker has taken a position on this issue. If so, thank them. If not, ask them politely to reconsider and making it a priority to save lives.
- Thank them for listening to you.
You may or may not get an email response from your lawmaker, but ASK for one. Legislators track emails by issue, even if they do not respond to you promptly.
- Use the subject line “Support a Strong 911 Good Samaritan Law”.
- State your support for expanded immunity. This is urgent. Almost five people in Wisconsin are dying from overdose each day.
- Use one or more of the talking points listed in the Call section.
- Conclude your email by asking directly if your lawmaker supports expanded immunity and asking for a reply to your email.
- End your email my thanking them for considering this important policy change.
- Be sure to include your name and voting address so they know you are a constituent.
- Followup. If you do not get an answer about your lawmaker’s position, email or call again. Remember, lawmakers work for you!
Stay up-to-date with our progress
We are working with lawmakers to get a stronger Good Samaritan law. Let us know if you or your organization are interested in receiving email updates 0-3 times a month. These would be about public hearings, committee and floor votes, co-sponsor signers, etc.